Life in the ER


So Last night i got to experience the ER for the 4th time in my life.

I was having chest pains since lunch yesterday, and at first we thought it was just trapped gas.  But it kept getting worse no matter what I did, and it hurt worse when I would breathe.  So at 8:30 we headed out to the ER to make sure I was ok.  They did and EKG to rule out heart problems, and chest xrays to rule out my lungs.  Apparently I have what’s known as Costochondritis.  It’s where my rib cage (on the left side in my case) is inflamed, and that’s what hurts so bad.  It’s either stress related (which I have been under an unusual amount of stress this past week) or I hurt myself helping haul trees Saturday…or it’s a combo of both.

I will be ok though.  They put me on 600mg of ibuprofen and  some hydrocodone.  So I’m feeling a little better, but I still hurt pretty bad…plus the pain comes and goes.  They told me I could go back to work tomorrow if I felt like it, but I may stay home just to be on the safe side.  I don’t want this getting worse than it already is.

Michael was such a trooper today though.  He helped my parentals cut down more trees, he washed ALL of my laundry, cleaned the litter box, and got me anything I needed.  He is so incredibly amazing.  I could not ask for a better man to marry!  God has certainly blessed us!

Ok, that’s it for now.  i need to get to bed before this medicine hits!

About Dana

I'm a pretty simple person. I'm a country girl, and I love all things Ag related. Country music flows through my veins, and I'm proud of that!! Cows are the key to my heart. I'm determined that one day, I will have a farm and raise cattle. I love the color purple, especially that of the lavender persuasion. Jesus is my absolute favorite!!! I graduated from MTSU with my BS in Agribusiness. I miss the Ag department, and my Ag people, but it's time to grow up and become a big girl. I have an amazing HUSBAND, and we were married July 4, 2008!!! Everything is beginning to fall into place in my life now, and I couldn't be happier :) God is so good!

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