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i’m an adult


So Michael and I were sitting in the living room watching tv and we hear something that sounds like people on the roof…we don’t have upstairs neighbors…there’s no upstairs.

So I make michael go outside and look and he said that there were kids on the other side of the building and they were throwing a football on to the roof.  Well I’m mad at this point because i don’t want anyone messing with the roof since they just fixed it (it had been leaking DOWN the wall…we live on the end), and we’ve been having problems with the neighbor kids throwing balls against our outside bedroom wall.

So i go storming out and the football comes flying over the roof and lands pretty much at my feet.  Well I knew the kids were going to have to come after it so I stand there with the ball at my feet and my hands on my hips.  the poor kid that came over to get the ball had to endure my questioning of what they were doing and why (which it turns out that they had an airplane stuck on the roof and were trying to get it off with the football since their parents only told them not to climb onto the roof).

Poor kid was scared out of his wits and was stumbling over his words calling me ma’am and everything.  i told him to ask his parents to either help them get the plane off the roof or get them to call the apartment complex and see if they could get it off.  Bless his little heart.  He was almost as tall as me and couldn’t have been but about 8.

who would have thought i would be that intimidating?!  i’ve grown up!!!



I love coffee.  Love is an understatement….If coffee were a person and I could marry it, the hubs would be outta luck.  I love the taste, I love how you can put different things in it, I love how I can make it and not screw it up!

I’ll admit that I’m rather infatuated with Starbucks.  I’ve finally gotten to the point where I can take it or leave it except for one thing.  Pumpkin Spice Lattes.  They are my favorite thing they make and I could probably live off of them.  If they had them year round I would be in some serious trouble.  They make all things better 😀

Ok, well I just wanted everyone to know that.  That’s my good deed for the day 🙂



So today was really not something to be excited about.  Missed the train, only have one car so we decided it was more important for the husband to get to school, and our water was off…for over 5 hours.  Thank Jesus for the face that I have annual leave and was able to stay home.  I really would have hated to have shown up to work all gross.

So pretty much today was rather unproductive, especially considering that I couldn’t do dishes or wash clothed due to the no water thing.

Now I’m waiting on the hubs to get home from school. I’m bored.  I’ve been playing an unhelathy amount of sorority life on facebook and my eyes hurt now.

Here’s to a better day tomorrow!

Let’s Try This Again


Ok, I’m going to try this blog thingy again 🙂

I’m getting the itchy fingers to write again, and this makes me very happy!  It’s not like it’s hard to sit down and write, but I think I’ve been going through a VERY long period of Writer’s Block.

So all last week and this weekend it has rained like the bottom fell out and will never stop.  I don’t necessarily mind all the rain…it gives me an excuse for bad hair and shoes that don’t necessarily look so hot with my outfit.  I’m really excited when it storms at night though!  It gives me an excellent excuse to cuddle up to the husband and be held extra tight 🙂  That always makes me happy!

So I finally got around to cleaning today, and I got our bedroom dusted, vacuumed, everything!  But there was a small little incident where this huge spider with 15 razor sharp fangs and 83 eyes tried to murder me…but luckily husband came to the rescue with shoe in hand and saved my life.  It was looking perilous there for a bit.

Well, I’m going to go and attempt to get the husband to stop eating his weight in Doritos, lol.

Hopefully I’ll do this again very soon!

Another Entry


Ok, well last night I was ALL excited…for about 5 minutes. I still have this dreadful cold, but I decided to work out anyways. So i got on the treadmill and did my little warm up, and then I decided I’ll run a minute and walk 2 minutes. I actually RAN for one whole minute and I was ELATED!!! and I kept up that little pattern for a bit, but then I quickly got VERY winded, and it didn’t help that my nose was stufy and I couldn’t breathe out of it. I got VERY disappointed in myself that I couldn’t keep it up after about 10 minutes. But I’m going to blame that on being sick…that and when I woke up this morning i’m even sicker than I was yesterday. I’m going to assume that means that when you are sick you should probably stay OFF the treadmill.

But the moral of this story is, I actually RAN.

If you ask the little kids at church, they will tell you “Miss Dana doesn’t run!” and they know it’s true!



I got new running shoes today! Since we got the treadmill my goal is to become a runner. I’ve been avidly reading and setting up workout routines. I wish I could have gotten on the treadmill tonight, but I think I’m getting another fabulous cold.

I Swear I Didn’t Lie!


Ok, i know that one of my resolutions was to update this thing everyday, but lif happens and sometimes this isn’t a priority.

Michael and I got a new treadmill yesterday!  I’ve started my workouts today and my goal is to work out no less than 3 times a week if not more.  I love it and it’s excellent.  Plus I have no more excuses to not exercise.  Yay for being healthy and potentially losing weight!!!

Dad is doing better.  He is going in at 6am tomorrow for more heart tests, so please keep him in your prayers.  And please keep Michael in your prayers too as he goes through this semester.  This is a difficult one for him, and I hate it when he gets discouraged.

Some Things Just Don’t Make Sense


So we found out yesterday that my dad had a heart attack.  He’s home and feeling well, but we don’t really have any details.  He goes for more tests on Tuesday.  Please pray for him and my family.  We are still in complete and utter shock.

Other than that, not much is going on.  We got a new State Treasurer, and we aren’t happy about that.  When the Treasurer is your big boss, things get a little scary when you geta new one.  But that’s a whole nother long story.

Snow Day


Today was not interesting at all.  It snowed last night and therefore this morning I was unable to get to work.  It was kinda funny cause Iwas going to have Michael take me to the train station and when we went out to get in the car it was frozen shut and everything was ice.  So it was pretty obvious that we weren’t going to get anywhere soon.  We went back inside and waited for the car to thaw.  Michael finally got into it and he had to go to work, there were no more trains headed to Nashville so I got to stay home.

So now I’m sitting here watching Friends, waiting for Michael to get home, and suffering from a massive headache.  And I’m randomly typing on here which I haven’t done in a long time.  So if this doesn’t make any sense, it’s because I’m watching tv.

So I got a promotion at work, and I LOVE my new job!!!  I’m now a Deceased Benefits Counselor!  i’m still in the retirement divison of the treasury, just a different position.  I love helping out the people who call, and I love working on the death benefits.  It’s excellent!  I look forward to going to work now, and that’s a major relief!

So I guess that’s it for right now.  I hope you’ve enjoyed it…if anyone is still reading this.  Lol.

Life in the ER


So Last night i got to experience the ER for the 4th time in my life.

I was having chest pains since lunch yesterday, and at first we thought it was just trapped gas.  But it kept getting worse no matter what I did, and it hurt worse when I would breathe.  So at 8:30 we headed out to the ER to make sure I was ok.  They did and EKG to rule out heart problems, and chest xrays to rule out my lungs.  Apparently I have what’s known as Costochondritis.  It’s where my rib cage (on the left side in my case) is inflamed, and that’s what hurts so bad.  It’s either stress related (which I have been under an unusual amount of stress this past week) or I hurt myself helping haul trees Saturday…or it’s a combo of both.

I will be ok though.  They put me on 600mg of ibuprofen and  some hydrocodone.  So I’m feeling a little better, but I still hurt pretty bad…plus the pain comes and goes.  They told me I could go back to work tomorrow if I felt like it, but I may stay home just to be on the safe side.  I don’t want this getting worse than it already is.

Michael was such a trooper today though.  He helped my parentals cut down more trees, he washed ALL of my laundry, cleaned the litter box, and got me anything I needed.  He is so incredibly amazing.  I could not ask for a better man to marry!  God has certainly blessed us!

Ok, that’s it for now.  i need to get to bed before this medicine hits!