Category Archives: Goals

Some Exciting News


Ok, now that I know that I have at least 3 readers, I’ll go ahead and start up this blog again…and I’ll start it with something exciting!

We are trying to get pregnant!

We aren’t pregnant yet, but we are on purpose trying 😀  We are completely thrilled and excited.  Please be in prayer for us in this new adventure in our life.  We only want this if God wants this, so if it doesn’t happen, we know God has bigger and better plans, and it may simply not be our time yet.

Other than that great news, I don’t have much else.  I’ll try to update on more things along with our journey in potential parenthood 🙂



I hate ney year resolutions.  For some reason i think they are hokey and kinda dumb.  But I’m thinking about reconsidering that this year.  So far i’ve decided on 2 resolutions.

1.) To write in this thing every day…even if it’s just a brief sentence.  i miss writing.  I miss that being a part of my life like it used to be.  Plus it will be interesting to look back at the end of the year.

2.) Exercise. I know everyone makes this one, and if you know me, i hate being part of the masses, but this is something that i need to do for me.  I need to be healthier and I want this.  The problem I have now is finding a treadmill we can afford.  This is tougher than it seems.

Ok, enough of that.

Now on to supper.  Hopefully i’ll be back again tomorrow on this thing, but we shall see.